Mr. Carlo Ghidotti (Bergamo)
Mr. Carlo Ghidotti was born in Bergamo on 24 August,1971 and graduated with a first-class degree from the University of Milan in 1996. He has been practicing law since 2000.
After a few years spent working in partnership with fellow lawyer Sergio Stringhini, Carlo Ghidotti set up his own firm law.
Mr. Carlo Ghidotti practices in civil law and is particularly experienced in family, company, banking and insurance law, in claiming damages in cases of medical negligence and in company contract law.
In addition, Mr. Carlo Ghidotti deals with debt collection and matters of extrajudicial advice in the areas he specializes in. For many years he has collaborated with several important Italian professionals, integrating his own skills within the most diverse areas of legal assistance. The streamlined structure of the law firm makes it possible to offer a wide range of customized legal services, including legal advice directly at the clients’ offices.
Mr. Ghidotti is a member of the scientific council of the AIGA (Association of Young Italian Lawyers) and writes articles about civil law matters for various journals. He also collaborates with the organization of conferences for vocational adjournments.